Who Are We and What Do We Do?

Friends of Lythe School are a friendly group of parents, carers and staff who have informal meetings half termly to plan exciting events that are fun for the children while raising funds.

Everyone is welcome to join us at a meeting for a cup of tea and a biscuit. All help is appreciated in any form: help on a stall at one of our fairs, bake a cake or assist us with fundraising ideas.

We work vigorously to support provision of the best possible opportunities for all children, and have made significant contributions to all areas of school life.

Undoubtedly our greatest achievement is the school bus! FolS worked very hard to gain funding for our school minibus; the fundraising is ongoing to keep the bus running. The bus is in good use taking the children for weekly swimming lessons, fortnightly trips to the library, trips to the countryside and educational visits.

It has widened our school boundaries so that we can make the most of our wonderful setting, close to town, coast, ancient woodland and open moorland.

Past fundraising events have included:

Mulgrave Castle Open Gardens

Sandsend Duck Race

Sainsbury’s Bag Pack

Fairs at Easter, Christmas and Summer

Halloween Movie Night


Bag2school collection

Themed discos

100 Club

Amazon Smile account

Past contributions have included:

Reading books

Classroom equipment

Christmas treats and trips

Year 6 residential trip

PE Equipment

School PE Kits for events

Christmas treats and trips

Reflective Areas

Furniture for the new Learning Centre

Furniture for a comfortable KS1/2 reading area

The Committee

All parents, carers and staff at Lythe CEVC School are eligible to become members of FoLS. The Committee would warmly welcome any newcomers to its meetings and any ideas and suggestions about the work that it does. (Please contact any of the current committee members if you would like to join or attend one of the future meetings)



Amy Goy

Vice Chair

Liz Brooks


Amy Goy


Elaine Welford