Keeping Safe

Children can tell any adult in school if they are worried about themselves or someone else.

Each class has its own way of reporting worries.  You can also go straight to any adult, even if they don’t teach you.

You should always report to an adult if someone else is doing something hurtful or dangerous. This is not telling tales, snitching or grassing: it is an important part of keeping everyone safe.


What if you can’t tell someone in real life?

There are lots of people who you can trust to help you. You can contact them using the information on their websites:


Our children are continuously reminded about how to stay safe on the internet and how to seek help and advice if they require it. The following links will help both parents and children with e-safety advice and guidance.

The online world is rapidly developing and many of our children now have access to devices which enable them to connect to the internet, take images or video and communicate with others. While it is important not to obstruct them from developing skills from using these devices, it is essential that parents support their children in navigating the online world.

Disclaimer : We can take no responsibility for the content of external websites.