Our School
Our School
Here are our Lythe School Oaths, which were written in collaboration between Staff, Parents, Governors and Pupils
Be Curious
Visit the beach and forest
Develop a love of reading
Appreciate and learn about our local heritage
Visit a city
Explore our grounds and local area
Visit the theatre
Shine Your Light in our Community
Improve our local environment and beyond
Visit local churches
Support local charities
Be Happy
Use reading as a form of comfort
Take part in a variety of sports
Learn how to have a healthy body and mind
Understand and regulate my emotions
Be Brave and Confident
Relish a challenge
Build resilience
Read in an unusual place
Represent the school in an event
Go on a team building residential
Learn to win and lose
Be Kind
Be a good friend to others
Respect and understand a range of religious beliefs
Learn about other’s cultures
Include everyone
Set an example to others