School Staff

All staff can be contacted by parents on Class Dojo (Oak and Willow Classes) or Tapestry (Acorn Class), or by telephoning the office on 01947 893373. You can also contact Mrs Welford or Mrs Rowe on for any enquiries. You can expect a response in a timely fashion within working hours.


Mr O Cooper

Interim Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Seconded from Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust, Executive Headteacher – Castleton & Glaisdale Primary Schools, Acting Headteacher – Goathland/Lythe Primary School


Mrs C Zanelli

Interim Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Seconded from Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust. CEO – Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust.

Mrs F Hutton

Mrs F Hutton

Senior Teacher in Charge

Designated Safeguarding Lead, Operation Encompass Key Person,SENDCo, EYFS Lead

Mrs E Welford

Mrs E Welford

School Secretary

Mrs K Rowe

Mrs K Rowe

School Administrator

Miss R Rylands

Miss R Rylands

School Administrator (currently on maternity leave)

Mr A Chisholm

Mr A Chisholm

Y5/6 Teacher

Miss B Dobson

Miss B Dobson

Y1/2 Teacher

Miss Zoe Taylor

Miss Zoe Taylor

Y3/4 Teacher

Mrs J Trowsdale

Mrs J Trowsdale

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Morrison

Mrs A Morrison

Teaching Assistant


Mrs V Kenny

Teaching Assistant

Mrs L Grason

Mrs L Grason

Teaching Assistant

Mrs R Sanderson

Mrs R Sanderson

School Cook