Religious Education

Our Subject Leader for RE is Miss Taylor

Curriculum Intent: Why is RE important at Lythe School?

RE is an important part of helping every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). It gives children the tools and understanding to understand the way of life of others and to form their own beliefs and views. It provokes challenging questions about life, spirituality and ethics, which children learn to answer in an informed and respectful way. It links children to other cultures and helps develop empathy for other people, cultures and beliefs, helping them to understand and live well with others, wherever they find themselves in the world.

RE is determined locally rather than nationally and our school follows the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus.

Subject Concepts / Threads

Believing (Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth)

Expressing (Religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions about identity and diversity)

Living (Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitments)

It is taught at Lythe using the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus and using a two-year rolling programme.