Early Years - Nursery and Reception

Early Years Long Term Plan

Children in Nursery and Reception follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework


In EYFS at Lythe School we know and celebrate that every child is unique. Our intent is to inspire children to become life-long learners who are curious about the world around them who thrive to problem solve to find their answers. We want to create a rich, stimulating, and safe learning environment inside and outside that is personalised to their curiosities and interests. Our Long-Term Plan means that the EYFS Developmental Areas and Characteristics of Learning are completely accessible to all children which we endeavour to differentiate using very skilled questioning and vocabulary in relation to the topics planned and the children’s interests.


Our implementation is our themed approach alongside child-initiated learning which involves giving children a rich learning environment both indoors and outdoors that engages them. We use skilled questioning that gives the children the opportunities to be curious by following the topic in class and their own interests this allows us to plan, assess and observe there and then to allow us to take it further. By implementing the ‘teachable moment’ we ensure we use valuable next steps through play that promotes and extends the child’s interests to enable the child to have ownership over their interests and are completely engrossed in their learning.


The Early Years Curriculum at Lythe Primary School has a positive impact on the pupils and supports and nurtures them to become happy, resilient, and independent learners with a love of learning and curiosity for the world around them. All children will have the opportunity to learn positive behaviours and will have formed positive relationships with peers and adults. By the end of EYFS the children will be equipped with the skills and a positive attitude to problems solve and work collaboratively ready for their next stage of their learning. Our children leave EYFS as well-rounded individuals who will continue to shine brightly throughout their learning journey.