Collective Worship

Collective Worship plays a central role in our school’s life. It’s the time of day when our whole school community is invited to come together in friendship in order to join in with worship and share joys, achievements and ideals as well as disappointments and sorrows. It is invitational, meaning that children are not instructed to worship, pray or believe anything, but have the chance to reflect quietly and form their own views.

Collective Worship is conducted in a dignified and respectful way which encourages children to be reflective and provides a peaceful time away from the hustle and bustle of the school day which is appreciated by children and staff alike. Worship may be led by staff, visitors or the children themselves, and our Ethos Group and Collective Worship team work hard to ensure that we provide what children want.


Parents who do not wish their child to attend Collective Worship are asked to make their wishes known in writing to the Head Teacher.